Boston at last…
Karl Giberson
Writer’s Log: Stardate 17-2-12
One of my favorite Elton John songs, from that great album Madman Across the Water, begins with lines that always come to mind when I am returning home:
Boston at last, and the plane’s touching down
The hostess is handing the hot towels around
My wife Myrna and our daughter Laura are on their way to Logan now to pick me up. My plane got in a bit early so I am cooling my heels with my first cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee in almost three weeks. Home….
My 18-day trip went better than I expected. I took a total of 10 flights and my luggage made it every time. On two occasions there was a note in my bag that TSA authorities had rummaged through my suitcase looking for something or other. I suppose I should be embarrassed about all the dirty socks and underwear that greeted their last invasion of my privacy, but I am not. Between air travel and my rental car I logged over 10,000 miles.