About Karl
Dr. Giberson holds a PhD in Physics from Rice University. Dr. Giberson has lectured on science-and-religion at the Vatican, Oxford University, London’s Thomas Moore Institute, and at many prestigious American venues including MIT, Brigham Young University and Xavier University.
Dr. Giberson has published more than 200 reviews and essays, both technical and popular, in outlets that include NY Times, CNN.com, the Guardian, USA Today, LA Times, Salon.com, Discover, Weekly Standard, Quarterly Review of Biology, Perspectives on Science & Faith, The Edge.org, and Books & Culture. He has written or co-authored 10 books, and contributed to many edited volumes.
In addition to his published works, Karl is a regular contributor to the public dialogue on Science and Faith. He has appeared as a guest on NPR’s Morning Edition and Talk of the Nation as well as other radio programs. He also blogs at The Huffington Post where his articles have generated thousands of comments and are frequently featured.
Karl was the founding editor of Science & Theology News, editor-in-chief of Science & Spirit magazine from 2003-2006 and vice-president of the BioLogos Foundation - www.Biologos.org - from 2008-2010.
From 1984 to 2011, Dr. Giberson was a professor at Eastern Nazarene College (ENC) where he received numerous recognitions and awards. While at ENC he created distinctive interdisciplinary courses and programs, including the college’s first honors program. For 3 years, ending in 2009 he was the program director for the Venice Summer School on Science & Religion. Contributing scholars included Paul Davies, Owen Gingerich, Michael Ruse, Frans de Waal, and George Ellis.
Currently, Dr. Giberson is a faculty member at Stonehill College where he serves as the Scholar-in-Residence in science and religion. He lectures at universities, churches and other venues across the country. He is also working on his 11th book, due for publication in early 2016.
Karl enjoys spending time with his family, writing in his gazebo, listening to Bob Dylan, watching re-runs of Star Trek the Next Generation, and drinking Diet Coke.