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320 Washington Street
Easton, MA

Official, professional site for author, speaker and blogger Karl Giberson. 


The End is Near

Karl Giberson

Writer’s Log: Stardate 17-2-12

The final official event of my west coast trip was in many ways my favorite: I spent an entire class period chatting with Tom Oord’s philosophy of science students at Northwest Nazarene University.  They had read much of my book Saving Darwin and were primed to ask thoughtful questions. We had a lively discussion, took a class picture—which is already on facebook—and then some students approached me tentatively and asked me to sign their books. I assured them that authors love to sign books.

I left that class conflicted.  On the one hand, these are great students with wonderful spirits, enthusiastic about making a difference in the world, and very bright. But the church has failed them in important ways. Most of them are wrestling with the enduring legacy of fundamentalism, wondering how to read the Bible, and what to do about their deep questions.  I don’t think any of them are in faith communities that tolerate doubt and celebrate the search for truth.  To flourish as emerging intellectual Christians they will have to transcend their various congregations, wrestling with how to respond in love to the rigid and unappealing fundamentalism of their church families.

I felt humbled to have spent this time with them and gratified that they are finding my writing to be helpful.

In 9 hours I head for the bustling Boise airport and home to my wonderful wife, who has promised to meet me at Logan. I can hardly wait...