Species of Origin
Species of Origins: America’s Search for a Creation Story
Rowman & Littlefield | December 2002
In Species of Origins, Karl Giberson and Donald Yerxa examine America’s controversial conversation about creation and evolution, while noting that part of the discord stems from growing cultural and religious diversity of the United States. They argue powerfully that the real issue is the headlong confrontation between two seemingly incompatible world views upon which millions of Americans rely: modern naturalistic science and the Judeo-Christian religions.
Purpose: “Species of Origins will not resolve complex issues; in fact, we will argue that the disagreements that separate creationists from evolutionists are basically unresolvable. We will, however, give readers a clearer picture of a landscape that for many must seem to be shrouded in an impenetrable fog. Species of Origins counters the notion that there are only two positions at play in America’s origins controversy: atheistic evolution and biblical creationism. By profiling creationism, materialistic evolution, intelligent design, and theistic evolution from a sympathetic perspective we offer readers a way to understand the different perspectives and, more importantly, why those perspectives are enthusiastically embraced by some while being aggressively rejected by others.”
Foreword: Donald A. Yerxa
Polish Translation (2008)