Launching a New Project
Karl Giberson
Writer’s Log: Stardate 29-1-12
Today was the official launch of our "Scientists in Congregations" project at St. Chrysostom's Episcopal Church. I actually had to preach--no laughing or rolling of eyes. I used the introduction to my forthcoming book with Paraclete Press: Seven Glorious Days. I am really excited about this book, which comes out in September. It grows out of the final chapter of The Language of Science and Faith.
We also started a "Sunday School Class" at St. Chrysostom's, discussing science and religion. I was nervous about this and unsure of how many people would come. We were expecting 7 or 8 and had set up a table around which we would gather. We had 23 people, including a former student of mine from ENC (Go Jack Keller!). Talking about science and religion in a more moderate Christian community is so much more relaxed. In the 27 years I aattended a Nazarene church I was never asked once to speak on science and religion, although my various pastors were consistently supportive of my work. But they knew that even a whiff of evolution in a Sunday sermon would send some parishioners to the exits or—even worse—to the nearest Baptist church. It is no wonder that evangelicalism continues to struggle with modern science, when even discussing it is perceived as threatening.
In a later blog I will tell the story of how the sequel to The Language of Science & Faith, which has been a very successful InterVarsity book, is being published by Paraclete Press, a Catholic publisher.