Chilling in CA
Karl Giberson
Writer’s Log: Stardate 7-2-12
I spoke tonight at Azusa Pacific University on Darwin’s embrace of a naturalistic scientific method. It is a potentially controversial topic, but it went really well. I used some material I had developed for the class Epoch Making Events in Science that I had refined over the years. It is interesting that a university has flown me to CA to deliver a lecture that I have given many times to students at Eastern Nazarene College.
Carl Crauthamel came out to hear me. Carl is someone I have developed a relationship with over the past few years. He is remarkable in being one of the last living scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project. He was at Argonne Labs with Enrico Fermi figuring out how to make uranium into bomb material. At aged 92 he is engaged and enthusiastic about issues of science and faith. He has thought a lot about the relationship between his Christian faith and his work on the Bomb. I did a piece on him in Science & Spirit years ago titled "Bombs without Qualms." I thought that title was rather clever at the time.
I have now been in CA for a week. I am over my jetlag and cooling my heels for a while at the home of Bill and Anita Henck, good friends—and gracious hosts--from a few years ago at ENC. Anita is an administrator at APU and loves it out here. (I can see why—I am writing these words on her patio in 70 degree weather, listening to birds chirp and admiring a small mountain range that seems to wrap around the development where she lives.)
Meanwhile, the orderly suitcase my wife prepared so carefully has become a wreck. I am not sure what to do about that. Maybe I should fed ex it back to Hingham for repacking.