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320 Washington Street
Easton, MA

Official, professional site for author, speaker and blogger Karl Giberson. 


Part One Ends

Karl Giberson

Writer’s Log: Stardate 3-2-12

Part one of my trip is complete.  I gave a plenary talk in the sanctuary of the Bidwell Presbyterian Church tonight, as the final event of their conference here, and the kickoff of another conference.  It was the first time I was able to do the full presentation of the talk I gave at St. Chrysostom’s: And God Saw that it was Good.  I was able to project my images, take all the time I needed and have a Q & A with the audience afterward.  I love Q & A with audiences and always find that is the best place to see what they think. If there are no questions, they were bored and just want you to let them go home.  If there are lots of hostile questions, they didn’t like you but want to persecute you before they leave. But, if there are lots of thoughtful questions pushing for elaboration of key points then you know the presentation went well.

My presentation went well. The audience stayed for 45 minutes and, after they were dismissed, several came and got me to sign books or answer more questions.  A couple people said they could hardly wait for the book, which is coming out from Paraclete in September.

Tomorrow morning I head off to the gigantic Chico airport, fly to San Francisco for a long layover, then fly to San Diego and rent a car. If all goes well I will have dinner with Dean Nelson, one of my most entertaining friends, tomorrow.