Writing Blocks
Karl Giberson
Writer's Log: Stardate 18/19-1-12
I got distracted last night and forgot to post. In my defense I had a wonderful evening with some good friends--Del Case, Paul Nyce, Brady Millican, Matt Waterman, and Cris Popa. We have a sort of "men's thing" that we do when Paul--now Bruder Albrecht--temporarily escapes from Glastonbury Abbey. Those who know us can guess what we talk about...
I began developing my syllabus for the writing workshop today and was really excited that I was able line up three special guests to drop by, each one bringing a very different and important perspective on writing. Between finishing the syllabus, finishing my grants, and getting ready for my trip to the West Coast, poor Adam has taken a back seat. I have to do something about that.